Customer Testimonials

"We are so grateful for your immediate, professional response to our problem. It would have been devastating for our office to be without phones for over a week."

– Debbie Shrader (Shrader & Goad Law Office)
Amherst, VA Read the full testimonial »

"I want to thank you for the service your company has provided to our office in the past year. Chris, Stacy, Debra, Donna, Harold, and all of the members of your team have been professional, courteous and most importantly, capable of helping us with our network and phone needs."

– Patrick D. Keefe (Shenandoah Chiropractic)
Harrisonburg, VA Read the full testimonial »

"Total Technology Management has been a trusted technology partner for Roberts Home Medical for nearly 20 years. Our multiple locations in Maryland and Virginia depend on our Call Centers and Phone Systems to communicate with our clients."

– Giles Pinto (Roberts Home Medical, Inc.)
Germantown, MD Read the full testimonial »

"TTM is our go-to technology company bringing fresh ideas to the table, and providing remote and on-site service as needed."

– John Durling (Sunnyside Communities)
Harrisonburg, VA Read the full testimonial »

"Their knowledgeable sales and technical staffs are there in every project phase from application concept, through hardware installation, to system support."

– Ron Shickel (Shenandoah Valley Electric Co-Op)

"The staff of TTM have always, always, had the attitude that a Colonial problem is a TTM problem, and have never considered an issue resolved until Colonial considered it resolved... they are just a group of good people."

– Ken Brown (Colonial Circuits, Inc.)

"We partner with TTM for our surveillance camera needs and were extremely pleased with their products, installation and service. Their expertise and friendly customer service has always impressed us. Everyone on their staff is always eager to help us. Thanks TTM!"

– Darryl Stephan (Sharp Shopper)